Three Books of Ancient Wisdom

God a belief of Theist, Science a belief of Atheist but Red-eye was evolved with a free belief to amalgamate the possibilities of both.

Juan Pablo Roldan – Artwork

Red-eye strongly believed there was a common thing between the Humans, Ultras and the Hulls, that was their creator and his creation.

The Skylords created humans and abandoned them some thousand years ago and so did the human created AI bots to prove their supremacy over their creator. Yet they forgot says Red-eye, “What is created shall one day get destroyed and so are humans a race of intelligent beings on the verge of extinction.” The new world was about to emerge on this belief as Red-eye’s only motto was human extinction. He knew the Skylords will return the earth one day to see what have their abandoned children done and pity for their finest creation. Hence he considered destruction of humans was in interest of Skylords.

Red-eye had drank the ocean of knowledge with a thought, “Knowledge is power and power a weapon of destruction.” He kept himself updated about the history of mankind’s evolution and their chemistry with the study of proto-science since ancient times till present day developments. He learned about the history of science in early cultures, be it prehistoric, medieval, classic or modern. He wanted to cast his world learning from all the early civilisation like Greco-Roman, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Persian and wanted his to be like Indian, Chinese & Far East Worlds which have still endured since the cradle of civilization begin.

Red-eye had no fancy like the humans in the interstellar world but within the core of the Earth. His envisaged to built a dimensional portal which would open a transgate to a subterranean realm. A realm beneath the Indian Ocean which once existed between Madagascar, India and Australia known as Lemuria

The energy source required to activate the dimensional portal lies within the caves of the highest mountains in the world.

These mountains fall in the eastern holds of the Himalayas wherein the energy source lay known as the non-natives as Indiam.

The coordinates to this fabled mineral lies in three books of ancient wisdom.

In which the first was installed by the Nazi Dictator in the city of Mainz currently possessed by Hulls.

The second by the Elites of Zenith Community in city of Jerusalem which was disclosed to Belfray by the Last Elite which is now possessed by the Brotherhood of Jesuits.

The third in the ancient temple city of Angkor Wat secured by the Indo-Arya Fellowmen.

Hulls have already failed in three consecutive battles in the Western Kurdish Territories against the Ultras and Human forces in their attempt to occupy the second book of ancient wisdom.

Will Red-eye be able to possess the second and third book of ancient wisdom?

© Rohan R. Pednekar 2019, All Rights Reserved.

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Synopsis: Revolution 5.0 – The Nemesis of Ultras –

Read More: Revolution 5.0 – Evelyn The Ultra –

Also Read: Revolution 5.0 – The Future of Hulls –

Photoshop Edit: Rohan R. Pednekar

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