Perpetuity – the future is Dupebot

During an experiment on life extension, humans lost their attachment to the biophysical world and got intact with the cyber one. A body was once the vassal and the soul its driver which connected the world around it. It was the human brain that grew adamant with the ambitions to live forever and chose robotics unleashing an alternative source. The literal meaning of dreams is now related to the goal that every human set. Many dreamt to live a life of comfort without taking any pain while a few knew to live a comfortable one, pain will be an ultimate price. Everyone had a choice with the resources they used but there was only one resource given equally to all. A daytime that consisted of twenty-four hours divided into four quarters that is a morning, afternoon, evening and the night which every human must spend efficiently. Those who knew there would come a day when their body will give up and the future they wished to change with their ideas just remain a dream that was when the invention of Dupebots came into existence.

Original Image Source: Cyberpunk Art | Киберпанк

Ila Dos is a neurologist who is lately diagnosed with Melanoma a serious type of skin cancer. Being in the early stage, she has a year of mortality. Alex Robicquet being a successful robotic researcher and love of her life fears to lose her. He is now in a search for an alternative as there is no biological cure to save her. On Ila’s advice Alex convinces Professor Stephan Thrun to assign her as their human subject for an experiment to set ‘Project Perpetuity’ to its initiation.

Alex being an assistant researcher under the patronage of Professor Thrun had already designed Protobots. The actual purpose why Professor Thrun and Alex worked on a Protobot experiment was to make a device easily available for humans as their prototype. The Protobots were designed in such a way that the humans could operate it from their homes with the help of simulating pods and get to their workspace. The basic idea of a protobot was to reduce the physical stain humans faced due to harsh environmental surroundings they levied in every day during their travel to work. Hence to keep a strong feeling of Ila’s presence around him, Alex transforms the Protobot into a Dupebot replicating her human-like appearance. The only possible alternative that Alex seeks now is to restore Ila’s consciousness into her Dupebot through a permanent neural transmission which could only be possible if they would raise funds to get Project Perpetuity workable.


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Present-day Alex’s only hope is Evon Hart the dynamic CEO of Space Trex an aerospace transportation services company that had bought the Protobots for their space missions. Hart well known for his 21st-century vision to colonize humans on Mars for the future apocalypse expresses his interest in Project Perpetuity. He knows to overcome his dreams one lifetime wouldn’t be enough and one day he may also run out of time. The only thing Hart asks Alex in exchange for the success of the project is to sign the Mars Civil Mission Contract . Professor Thrun who has his own suspicions for Hurt’s bargain warns Alex about the grieve consequences before he could even come up with a decision.

Original Image Source: Wesley Burt & Unknown Pins

Will Alex succeed in Project Perpetuity? Will he come to know about Hart’s prime intention for such a bargain in exchange for his life’s work?

© Rohan R. Pednekar 2018, All Rights Reserved.

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Original Image Source: Cyberpunk Art (Киберпанк), Wesley Burt & Unknown Pins

CoverPage Edit: Rohan R. Pednekar

Image Edit: Rohan R. Pednekar

#ArtificialIntelligence #NeuralNetwork #MachineLearning #Protobot #Dupebot #NeuralTransmission #Robotics #HumanoidRobots


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